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Monday 31 March 2008

Therapy with Dr Seuss

I took MissM to the movies for the first time ever yesterday. (Not counting babes-in-arms sessions before she knew what was going on.)

We saw Horton Hears a Who! and boy oh boy did I love it! I laughed, I cried, I recited (in her ear). The tears were streaming down my face, and I clung to that warm little body on my lap as the clover with the speck descended towards the Beezle-Nut oil! I nearly howled when they said the "no matter how small" line!

Aaah, I'm a sucker. It's great.

MissM was cool with it. Just her way.

1 comment:

mixtapezine said...

we are going on saturday and it is the first time molly has been since she went to a babes session.