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Friday 6 June 2008

These...ahem...last few days!

Ok, so I can't stick at something for one measly week. Never mind! It's been a busy week.

So here are a few pix from the last few days, taken mostly in the mornings.

Desktop, taken by MissM (red due to finger over flash) (my desk is an ex-door from the 40s, complete with handles, albeit one fallen out).

Made for lil' Isaac born on Monday. Used a thrifted felted jumper. There is a fine line between quaint and lame, and I can't decide on which side this guy falls. Not that it matters, as he's made with lotsa love.

I made this cut-out birthday card for James, then took a pic of it while holding it over the monitor with some gorgeous Koji Tomoto illos behind it.

Making butter bikkies.

And a cheesy 70s tune which apparently Asia is going nuts for, and makes me bop a bit in my chair.

1 comment:

Migdalowa said...

I like urszula:):thanks:)